Higher School of Communications is accredited by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Ministry of Education od the Republic Srebia, based on the decision and the Initial Accreditation Report No. 612-00-00004 / 90 / 2017-06 of 05.05.2017.

Work License

On the basis of the Report on initial accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs, the Ministry of Education of Science and Technological Development issued the Work Licence for Higher School of Communications Number 612-00-01272 / 2017-06 of 23 May 2017. the year that the School approves the work and the implementation of academic study programs:

Basic Academic Studies – Communication 240 ECTS

Basic academic studies – Contemporary cultures 240 ECTS and

Master Academic Studies – Culture and Communication 60 ECTS

Institutional Accreditation

Act of Accreditation of School

Accreditation study programs

Act of Accreditation of Study program Communications

Act of Accreditation of Study program Contemporary cultures

Act of Accreditation of Master program Cultures and Communications