The Higher School of Communication is organized as an independent higher education institution which, in addition to fulfilling the laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia, fully meets the standards and norms of the Bologna Process and the European educational space.
All curricula of the School are designed to fully comply with the Bologna Process and student mobility in the European educational space. This means, practically, that all students of our School can, at any time during or after graduation, continue their education at any academic institution, university, college or college in Europe, which is also integrated into the Bologna Process. The same goes for students from other academic schools and colleges from Serbia and Europe who can continue their education at our School.
Also, our diplomas are valid and recognized by all Bologna colleges and universities for further education in academic masters and doctoral studies.
In its work, the school realizes educational and scientific cooperation with higher education institutions in the region and Europe.
The European Commission has awarded us with European Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which is awarded to higher education institutions under the Erazmus + program. All accredited independent higher education institutions from the Republic of Serbia had the right to apply for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in 2018. Possession of the Charter is a prerequisite for participation of higher education institutions from Serbia in the Erasmus + program from the 2019 competition deadline.
Through international educational cooperation programs, we organize the departure of our students, teachers and extracurricular staff for programs abroad. We also arrange the stay and attendance of our programs for visiting students, teachers and staff from other institutions.